Minggu, 15 April 2018

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 # (Business English 2 #)


April 12, 2018

The Postgraduate Scholarship Committee
University of Exeter
Exeter, EX4 4QD

            In the country where I live there is a proverb "demands science as high as the sky." The proverb motivated me for the spirit of seeking knowledge. Science will continue to grow along with the development of the times and technological advances.
            I am Annisa Nindya Lestari, 4th grade student in Gunadarma University majoring information system. This department opened my mind that technology will be more advanced and technology created to ease people's work. In addition, technology can also minimize errors that can be done manually. As a form of application and development of the science I got, I created an e-commerce app with the Application Programming Interface (API) of RajaOngkir to expand the sales area of ​​my cousin's shop. It makes me motivated to explore science related to technology.
            Being an assistant in information systems laboratory as long as is one of the valuable experience for me. That position is a major task that tutors every week to deliver material in various programming languages. Being a tutor is a big challenge for me. The challenge of how to deliver the science that we have with dozens of people so that they understand what is given. In addition, another challenge of the tutor is when the practitioner asks a question. It is imperative for a tutor to be able to answer questions correctly. During officiate an assistant, I was taught to be professional and ready to accept unexpected things like replacing the other absent assistant positions.
            Computer sciene with business is a study program that can be used as a bridge to realize my goal. I want to work in the designing part or application development  business enterprise. Then the science will I apply to realize the goal. Since childhood I want to have a business consisting of many branches in different cities. To be able to control the business scattered in several cities required a system that can monitor and process incoming data every day. From that business I want to design and make the necessary system for my business as  requirement. These needs focus on marketing, finance, management and strategy. The need for advanced systems in the future makes me keen to add knowledge about technology and business.
            University of Exeter is one of the most popular universities in the UK located in the city of Exeter. There is a scholarship for computer sciene with business. Normal time in the education in the department for one year. I am very interested in the scholarship program because the knowledge that will be obtained is useful to develop the business that I want to build. Information on the scholarship I got from the site hotcourses.co.id. Hotcourses contains available lecture program data from various accredited institutions in 48 countries. This site only displays programs accredited by a recognized accreditation body, as well as courses that use English as the medium of instruction. With the site I easily find the majors I want from a high-quality university that holds a scholarship program.
            Thanks for the opportunity through this letter I can express my views on the future of technology and business. I hope to get a place in the scholarship program to deepen my knowledge. In addition, I hope the science that I bring to the homeland after graduation later can I share and useful for the progress of my country.


Annisa Nindya Lestari

Source of scholarship  :

Source of university :